報告人:Dr. Ezio Todesco(CERN)
報告題目:Status of HL-LHC interaction region magnets
報告摘要:About one hundred magnets of six different types shall be installed in the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) in the years 2026-2028 at CERN. These accelerator magnets are characterized by (i) a large aperture (105 to 150 mm) inducing large accumulation of stress due to electromagnetic forces, (ii) tight requirements on field quality due to the large values of the particle amplitudes in this region, and (iii) small series (6 to 20 magnets of the same type) giving a limited possibility of feedback and tuning during production. The magnet design, construction and test are based on CERN collaborations with institutes and industrial partners in US, China, Japan, Italy and Spain.
The triplet quadrupoles are made in Nb3Sn and achieved in the past years the record in field/length, with 11.5 T peak field on 7-m-long coils. The D1 and D2 magnets are Nb-Ti large aperture dipoles with fields in the range of 4-6 T. The correctors are also in Nb-Ti, with peak field in the range of 2-4 T. In this seminar we will review the advancement of the project, presenting the status of each magnet type, the main tecnical challenges and the achieved milestones.
報告人簡介: Ezio Todescowas born in Bologna, Italy. After a PhD on physics on nonlinear motion of particles in accelerators, he joined the CERN magnet group in charge of the production of the main LHC dipoles.
He led the team that steered the field quality of main magnets towards the stringent targets required by beam dynamics, and made use of room temperature magnetic measurements to monitor the quality of the production and intercept assembly faults. At the end of the LHC construction, he has been in charge of the magnetic field model, following the commissioning of the accelerator to 3.5, 4 and 6.5 TeV.
Since 2007, he started working on the LHC upgrade (HL-LHC), leading the design study for the interaction region magnets. Since the approval of HL-LHC in 2014 he is leading the workpackage of the interaction region magnets, based on 12 T peak field Nb3Sn quadrupoles, large aperture Nb-Ti dipoles and correctors. The project is a worldwide effort including contributions from US, China, Japan, Italy and Spain.
Dr. Ezio Todesco(CERN)報告